Frank Keane ICRA Nationals 2019
Royal St George YC

Results are provisional as of 16:38 on June 9, 2019

Division 0 - ECHO Division

Sailed: 3, Discards: 0, To count: 3, Rating system: NHC4, Entries: 7, Scoring system: Appendix A

Rank Class Boat Name Nat SailNo Sfx Club H'cap U-25 R1 R2 R3 Total Nett
1st 0A Hot Cookie GBR 7536 R National Yacht Club 0.983 3.0 SCP30 3.0 1.0 7.0 7.0
2nd 0A WOW IRL 4419 Royal Irish Yacht Club 1.120 4.0 2.0 2.0 8.0 8.0
3rd 0A Prima Luce IRL 3504 Royal Irish Yacht Club 0.964 2.0 4.0 3.0 9.0 9.0
4th 0A Tsunami IRL 4007 National Yacht Club 1.108 6.0 1.0 RDG 4.0 11.0 11.0
5th 0A Forty Licks GBR 4041 R East Down Yacht Club 1.138 5.0 1.0 6.0 12.0 12.0
6th 0A Aquelina IRL 1507 Arklow Sailing Club 1.029 3.0 5.0 5.0 13.0 13.0
7th 0A D-TOX IRL 13500 Royal Irish Yacht Club 0.993 8.0 DNC 8.0 DNF 7.0 23.0 23.0

R1 - Division 0 - ECHO Division

Start: Fleet 0 - Division 0, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 11:20:00
Rank Class Boat Name Nat SailNo Sfx Club H'cap U-25 Elapsed Corrected Points
1 0A Prima Luce IRL 3504 Royal Irish Yacht Club 0.964 4:03:55 3:55:08 2.0
2 0A Hot Cookie GBR 7536 R National Yacht Club 0.983 SCP30 3:49:53 3.0
2 0A Aquelina IRL 1507 Arklow Sailing Club 1.029 3:50:15 3:56:56 3.0
4 0A WOW IRL 4419 Royal Irish Yacht Club 1.120 3:40:16 4:06:42 4.0
5 0A Forty Licks GBR 4041 R East Down Yacht Club 1.138 3:39:43 4:10:02 5.0
6 0A Tsunami IRL 4007 National Yacht Club 1.108 3:51:51 4:16:53 6.0

R2 - Division 0 - ECHO Division

Start: Fleet 0 - Division 0, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 11:02:00
Rank Class Boat Name Nat SailNo Sfx Club H'cap U-25 Elapsed Corrected Points
1 0A Tsunami IRL 4007 National Yacht Club 1.070 RDG 5:27:24 1.0
1 0A Forty Licks GBR 4041 R East Down Yacht Club 1.122 4:29:53 5:02:49 1.0
3 0A WOW IRL 4419 Royal Irish Yacht Club 1.115 4:36:40 5:08:29 2.0
4 0A Hot Cookie GBR 7536 R National Yacht Club 0.983 5:21:00 5:15:33 3.0
5 0A Prima Luce IRL 3504 Royal Irish Yacht Club 0.995 5:24:30 5:22:53 4.0
6 0A Aquelina IRL 1507 Arklow Sailing Club 1.056 5:06:35 5:23:45 5.0
7 0A D-TOX IRL 13500 Royal Irish Yacht Club 0.993 DNF 8.0

R3 - Division 0 - ECHO Division

Start: Fleet 0 - Division 0, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 10:50:00
Rank Class Boat Name Nat SailNo Sfx Club H'cap U-25 Elapsed Corrected Points
1 0A Hot Cookie GBR 7536 R National Yacht Club 0.980 2:44:57 2:41:39 1.0
2 0A WOW IRL 4419 Royal Irish Yacht Club 1.130 2:28:16 2:47:32 2.0
3 0A Prima Luce IRL 3504 Royal Irish Yacht Club 0.975 2:52:09 2:47:51 3.0
4 0A Tsunami IRL 4007 National Yacht Club 1.070 2:38:09 2:49:13 4.0
5 0A Aquelina IRL 1507 Arklow Sailing Club 1.033 2:44:21 2:49:46 5.0
6 0A Forty Licks GBR 4041 R East Down Yacht Club 1.154 2:31:16 2:54:34 6.0
7 0A D-TOX IRL 13500 Royal Irish Yacht Club 0.993 2:59:20 2:58:05 7.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.1

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