ICRA and Irish Sailing believe it is important to support young sailors as they graduate from their club’s Junior programmes. While some will continue to sail in dinghy fleets, competing at club, regional and national level. There are a significant number of young sailors that become Irish Sailing instructors and partake in University Team Racing but simply drop out of the club racing scene.

An Under 25 keelboat development programme can offer a place for some of these sailors. Keeping them active in the sport and fostering their commitment as members of their clubs.

Goals of the programme

For the Sailors:

  • To Create a pathway for Junior sailors to progress into the adult sailing scene.
  • To support and encourage U25 sailors to create their own team.
  • To provide ongoing support as the young sailors learn about running a keelboat campaign.
  • To introduce self-reliance, budgetary responsibility and self-determination among the U25 teams.
  • To encourage graduates of U25 programmes, to form an ongoing team/campaign within in the Irish Cruiser Racing scene.

For the Clubs

  • To provide financial assistance for clubs to invest in developing a U25 programme.
  • To share ideas and advice to Clubs on how to retain young adult members.
  • To Increase the number of young Adult sailors within your club and the Irish Cruiser Racing community.
  • To foster the future owners of Racing Cruisers in Ireland.

How the Programme Works

The ICRA U25 Support Programme is funded by Irish Sailing and will be provided directly to clubs, to assist in developing their ongoing U25 development system.


ICRA will provide the club with Mentoring and advice on how best to structure their U25 programme. This knowledge is drawn from the real experiences of clubs with already established U25 development programmes.


Capital Funding:

For the next three years, the ICRA support programme will have a limited number of €1,500 Capital Grants available. These grants must be used for the purchase of a club owned keelboat that will be used for a U25 development programme.

Follow On Trickle Funding:

Once a club secures a Capital grant and commits to a U25 development programme. ICRA will continue to support their programmes by providing “Trickle” Grants for each year that their U25 teams stay active on the national racing circuit.


All Irish Sailing Affiliated Category 1 Clubs are eligible to apply for this support programme.

How to Apply

Clubs without existing U25 Programmes

Should your club be interested of availing of this development support programme. The club committee must submit an “Expression of Interest” letter which briefly outlines your clubs interest in applying for the support programme and its commitment to fulfilling the requirements for the full duration of the support.

Email Expressions of Interest to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What type of boat qualifies:

ICRA’s only limitation is that the boat purchased and used for a club’s U25 development programme, must be elegible under the ICRA General rules.

Suggestions: Impala, Hunter 707, J24, Formula 28, Formula One, J70, J80

ICRA recommends:

The J24 class in Ireland, already a very active U25 scene, has a dedicated U25 officer and is offering a whole range of additional supports for clubs that choose a J24 for their U25 development programme.

Contact Us

Email: info@cruiserracing.ie


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